Re: No external markup declarations present - referenced entity 'è' must be declared.

At 2011-03-23 10:00 +0000, wrote:
>I have an XSD (included below), but the ‘è’ 
>character (html char: ‘è’) in the word 
>‘Crèche’ (line 6) is causing an problem;

Yes, it would, precisely because it isn't a 
built-in XML named general entity.  As you 
indicate, the HTML vocabulary is one of the 
vocabularies that uses this entity as the accented letter.

>the schema fails validation: No external markup 
>declarations present - referenced entity 'è' must be declared.

Very true.  Since it isn't one of the built-in 
entities it isn't available in an XML document without entity declarations.

>Please help, how can I do this?
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>  xmlns:xs="" 
>elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
><xs:simpleType name="WorkplaceDetailsType">
>             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
>                         <xs:enumeration 
> value="Office, school, shop, restaurant, hotel 
> -&gt; Office, Meeting room, Library"/>
>                         <xs:enumeration 
> value="Office, school, shop, restaurant, hotel 
> -&gt; Cr&egrave;che or Day nursery"/>
>                         <xs:enumeration 
> value="Office, school, shop, restaurant, hotel 
> -&gt; Primary or Secondary school"/>
>                         <xs:enumeration 
> value="Office, school, shop, restaurant, hotel -&gt; College or University"/>
>                         <xs:enumeration 
> value="Office, school, shop, restaurant, hotel 
> -&gt; Retail unit or Shopping Centre"/>
>                         <xs:enumeration 
> value="Office, school, shop, restaurant, hotel -&gt; Other"/>
>                         <xs:enumeration value="Other -&gt; Other"/>
>             </xs:restriction>

Three ways:

(1) - avoid the unknown named general entity in 
the first place; since you are already using 
UTF-8 just use the character in the string using UTF-8 encoding:

   <xs:enumeration value="Office, school, shop, 
restaurant, hotel -&gt; Crèche or Day nursery"/>

(2) - avoid the named general entity by using a numeric character reference:

   <xs:enumeration value="Office, school, shop, 
restaurant, hotel -&gt; Cr&#232;che or Day nursery"/>

(3) - declare the required named general entity:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xs:schema [
<!ENTITY egrave "&#232;">
<xs:schema ...
   <xs:enumeration value="Office, school, shop, 
restaurant, hotel -&gt; Cr&egrave;che or Day nursery"/>

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Saturday, 26 March 2011 15:22:04 UTC