xmlschema-dev@w3.org from February 2004 by subject

a base type definition and a variety list

a typo at E2-30 errata

attribute declaration having use=required and a fixed value

b*c*b*c* vs. (b*c*)^2,2

complexType : extension of a sequence by a choice ?

Configuration Xerces 2.6.1


creating new META Schema


default namespace

Error during the validating of XML Schema

Errors Validating XML Schema

How to get the Node value of Node AnyType?

Intepretation of choice compositor and occurence into xml sch ema

Intepretation of choice compositor and occurence into xml schema

IT job openings for W3Cs

Mailing list dormant problem?

min/max occurs facets on choice?

Problem to validate XML with XML Schema

Removal of document

Replace the error during the Validation

Schema Component Constraint: Element Declarations Consistent

the complex type definition itself

using import element without schemaLocation

Validation of schema element with non-schema attribute


XSV 2.6 re-released

XSV bug? RE: XSV reports a validation error I can't figure out - desperate

Last message date: Saturday, 28 February 2004 12:00:25 UTC