Error during the validating of XML Schema


I have too much doubts for this arguments, but i don't know other person
that can help me. So, I installed and configurated Jakarta-Tomcat, and now I
think my parser is working because in the console of my program I have a lot
of mistake about XML Schema. Obviously, I can't write you all of mistake,
but some errors are very strange. For example:


[Error] InvoiceXML.xml:21:60: cvc-attribute.3: The value '' of attribute
'CAB' on element 'BankingEnds' is not valid with respect to its type,


What does error mean? In my XML Schema this attribute is declared like:


            <!-- ID CAB -->

            <xsd:attribute name="CAB" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>


What is the problem? I found that the simpletype that I can put in my XML
SCHEMA are integer, decimal, string, etc.... If I put string, I don't have
problems, but if I put date, integer, DateTime, float, decimal, I have this
error. Please, someone can help me? Thank you so much.




P.S. Oh I was forgotting to say you that during the validation across DTD I
didn't have this error. 



Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 03:27:54 UTC