www-xsl-fo@w3.org from April 2003 by subject

" WARNING: Page subsequences exhausted. Using previous subsequence. "


analog tag for </br> in XSL:fo ? thanks

Arabic characters and FOP

Bookmark problem...

Brazil needs your help



Controlling page-master-selection

Don't always keep the section together on one page

Dynamic Page Headings

Encoding problem when using xsl-fo.

external-graphic src="url(...)"

FOP 0.20.5rc2 - how set base URL ?

How to keep table title and table content together on the same page.

How to pass the right value by "xsl:value select=" to URL in the generated HTML page

indent tables using FOP .24


Last line in bold.

List another characters then bullet?

mif generation

page break

part of font metric file

PDF TOC number appearance

Problem in rendering fop for cell in table with fop-0.20.4

Problem with footnotes

Putting "Please Turn Over" at the bottom of pages in a mult i- page document

Putting "Please Turn Over" at the bottom of pages in a multi- page document

Putting "Please Turn Over" at the bottom of pages in a multi-page document

search feature



total page count problem


Unit Tesing Of XSL

XSL-FO book announcement

Last message date: Tuesday, 29 April 2003 10:18:49 UTC