Putting "Please Turn Over" at the bottom of pages in a multi-page document


I have a multi-page document with multiple page-sequences. The first and
last page sequences are simply "bookends", starting and ending the document
- each contains just one page. The middle page sequences contain the main
contents of the document and each can be many pages long. For each of these
multi-page sequences, I want to insert the text "Please turn over" at the
bottom of every page, except for the last page in the sequence:

---Page Sequence 1---
  ------Page 1----
  ------/Page 1-----
---/Page Sequence 1--

---Page Sequence 2---
  -----Page 2-----
  more text
  more text
  more text
  Please turn over
  -----/Page 2-----
  -----Page 3-----
  -----/Page 3-----
---/Page Sequence 2---

etc etc

So the basic problem is - how can I insert the text "Please turn over" only
on pages which are not the last page in the sequence? Is this possible using
markers? I thought of inserting a block at the end of each sequence and then
using a page-number-citation to detemirne whether we are on the last page or
not - however I couldn't get this to work.

Can anyone help here? Let me know if any clarification is needed.



Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2003 14:33:34 UTC