Re: total page count problem

At 10:13 03/04/2003 -0500, G. Ken Holman wrote:

>At 2003-04-03 16:09 +0200, Gilhuijs, Patrick wrote:
>>I have a problem with the total page count. I do use the page-number and 
>>page-number-citation objects with a block at the end of a page-sequence 
>>with a unique ID. If I have one page-sequence it all works oké, if I have 
>>more it doesn't. It looks like the page-number-citation in the following 
>>sequences have the same total page count as the first sequence, although 
>>the id of the block that's used for determining the total page count is unique.
>>I have displayed the generated id's  in the document to ensure myself 
>>that they are unique.
>>Any idea's?
>The *very* common mistake I have made (and continue to make!!) is to say:
>    id="generate-id(...)"
>instead of:
>    id="{generate-id(...)}"
>If you have made the same mistake, then you will get the results that you 

<grin/> Ouch Ken, that sounds like the sort of mistake I make!
     My favourite is still using id's without a DTD :-)

Congrats on the book btw.

regards DaveP

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2003 11:06:00 UTC