Re: Problem with footnotes

At 2003-04-11 12:24 +0200, Anton Wardaschko (PA) wrote:
><xsl:template name="format.footnote.mark">
>   <xsl:param name="mark" select="'?'"/>
>   <fo:inline    baseline-shift="super"
>                 font-size="{$body.font.master*0.8}pt"
>                 vertical-align="super"
>   >
>     <xsl:text>[</xsl:text>
>       <xsl:copy-of select="$mark"/>
>     <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
>   </fo:inline>
>The only thing, which i cn't figure out, how i get the link from Number to
>the footnote like in HTML output. Have somebody a tip?

As with any other link, put a <basic-link> in your footnote's <inline> 
whose internal-destination= is resolved to an id= attribute you put in your 
footnote's body.  There are no restrictions to using links for footnotes 
... I just tested this, zoomed such that only a portion of the page fit on 
the screen, and when I hit the footnote citation the bottom of the page 
popped up as expected.

I hope this helps.

........................ Ken

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Received on Friday, 11 April 2003 08:03:39 UTC