- Re: [XSL-FO] Re: Inline images to do boxes (tables) with rounded corners?
- Re: Inline images to do boxes (tables) with rounded corners?
- Re: Dates in XSL:FO
- Re: Dates in XSL:FO
- Re: Dates in XSL:FO
Bertrand Delacretaz
Bodo Teichmann
- Re: is there something like TeX's "\discretionary{}{}{}" in xsl-fo syntax?
- is there something like TeX's "\discretionary{}{}{}" in xsl-fo syntax?
- conditional characters?
Cyril Rognon
- Re: formatting problem
- Re: how does one make a fo:block to write from left to right and not top to bottom?
- Re: How to make FOP run in quiet mode in a FOPServlet?
Dave Pawson
David Carlisle
- Re: is there something like TeX's "\discretionary{}{}{}" in xsl-fo syntax?
- Re: is there something like TeX's "\discretionary{}{}{}" in xsl-fo syntax?
David Tolpin
- how does one make a fo:block to write from left to right and not top to bottom?
- This is a question for FOP users, please help
Edward Dowgiallo
Eric Smith
G. Ken Holman
Giannetti, Fabio
Kilmer, Erich
- Inline images to do boxes (tables) with rounded corners?
- How to make a fo:table-cell span 2 columns?
- Dates in XSL:FO
- How to handle a table that overflows to next page?
- How to make FOP run in quiet mode in a FOPServlet?
Lukas Pietsch
Magnus Sjöberg
Matt Laywell
Max Froumentin
- Re: how does one make a fo:block to write from left to right and not top to bottom?
- Re: forcing line breaks
- Re: keep-attributes for columns