- From: Cyril Rognon <crognon@objectiva.fr>
- Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:51:25 +0100
- To: www-xsl-fo@w3.org
Hello every one I am currently generating medium size documents (50-800 pages) with the available Formatters. I have tried FOP and XEP and Antennahouse's and I am on my way to try Passive TeX and UFO. For now, I have a memory consumption problem. each time I try to generate a PDF that contains more than 70 pages, I need at least 128Mo. I know these memory issues are going to be solved during the year to come by the fo processors. Right now, I have to submit my conclusions and my advice to a customer who wants to know if he can trust XSL FO solutions or not. Memory consumption is an issue today for my customer. I would like to know if anyone has produced 500 pages documents within 128Mo with an acceptable speed (3 secs per pages from XML to PDF/PS/PCL... would be the max ). With XEP and FOP and XSLFormatter, I have tried to use as much page-sequence as I could, beleiving that it would reduce the memory footprint, but it did nothing. Does anyone has any hints ? Thanks Cyril
Received on Monday, 17 December 2001 03:51:16 UTC