- From: Jonathan Marsh <jmarsh@microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 11:32:50 -0700
- To: <www-ws-desc@w3.org>
Web Service Description Working Group 8 July 2004 telcon Present: Erik Ackerman Lexmark David Booth W3C Allen Brookes Rogue Wave Software Ugo Corda SeeBeyond Glen Daniels Sonic Software Paul Downey British Telecommunications Youenn Fablet Canon Martin Gudgin Microsoft Hugo Haas W3C Tom Jordahl Macromedia Jacek Kopecky DERI Amelia Lewis TIBCO Kevin Canyang Liu SAP Peter Madziak Agfa-Gevaert N. V. Jonathan Marsh Chair (Microsoft) Jeff Mischkinsky Oracle Dale Moberg Cyclone Commerce Jean-Jacques Moreau Canon David Orchard BEA Systems Jeffrey Schlimmer Microsoft Jerry Thrasher Lexmark Asir Vedamuthu webMethods Sanjiva Weerawarana IBM Umit Yalcinalp Oracle Prasad Yendluri webMethods, Inc. Regrets: Roberto Chinnici Sun Microsystems Mark Nottingham BEA Systems Bijan Parsia University of Maryland MIND Lab Arthur Ryman IBM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Agenda 1. Assign scribe. Lucky minute taker for this week is one of: Adi Sakala, Umit Yalcinalp, Igor Sedukhin, Dale Moberg, Paul Downey, Hugo Haas Paul Downey -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Approval of minutes: - July 1 [.1] [.1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0257.html Approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Review of Action items [.1]. PENDING 2004-04-01: Marsh will get schema tf going. ?ED 2004-05-19: Editors to include in the primer an example that uses MTOM. (Issue 72) ?ED 2004-05-20: Editors to incorporate Hugo's full potato proposal. (Issue 54) ?ED 2004-05-20: David Orchard to update HTTP binding to include discussion of how to generate an accepts header from schema annotations conformant to the media types extension document, and to use outputSerialization based on that information. ?ED 2004-05-21: Editors to add ednotes to the spec to indicate areas that had contention. (Issue 190) DONE? [.10] 2004-05-21: DaveO to write up a scenario to motivate path creation on a per-operation basis. (Issue 190) ?ED 2004-05-27: Editors to add http:faultSerialization attribute. DONE [.10] 2004-05-27: DaveO will write up better description of this issue (189). ?ED 2004-06-10: Editors should correct issues 208, 213, 215, come back to WG if there are any questions. DONE [.5] 2004-06-17: Editor action to check that multiple style values are allowed. DONE [.5] 2004-06-17: Editors to adopt Mark's proposal for 216, but reword using MUST. DONE [.5] 2004-06-17: Editors to incorporate editorial fix addressing issue 222. DONE [.5] 2004-06-17: Editors to incorporate proposed resolution for 223 and 224. ?ED 2004-06-17: Editors to incorporate David Booth's clarification in section 8.3 about what required means on MTOM feature. DONE [.11] 2004-06-24: David O will update his proposal for adding async capability. DONE [.3, .5] 2004-06-24: [Roberto] to synchronize specs, schema, pseudo-schema on where f&p can appear. ?ED 2004-06-24: Editors to incorporate Jonathan's resolution to issue 160. ?ED 2004-06-24: Editors to fix media-type reg frag id link, per 209. DONE 2004-07-01: JMarsh to explore Nov 10-12. DONE [.2] 2004-07-01: DBooth to provide a sample (<x-specref>?) ?ED 2004-07-01: Editors to add cross-references for component properties, per DBooth's example. DONE 2004-07-01: Editors to add note pointing out that our SOAP binding only allows a single element in the body. DONE [.4] 2004-07-01: Umit to write up a proposal on 168 by weekend. DONE [.9] 2004-07-01: JMarsh to contact DaveO on whether issue 195 is on composition model or on developing a language. DONE 2004-07-01: DBooth to add sentence in the primer (per issue 197) saying that the scoping rules for requiredness allow the value of the @required attribute to be changed, and therefore the writer should consider whether it is wise to change a value that was set elsewhere by someone else. DONE 2004-07-01: Editors to incorporate Mark's proposals 2004Jun/0195.html and 2004Jun/0199.html, and a reference to the charmod (Issue 210) DONE [.8] 2004-07-01: Mark to reword his proposal on 211 to make it more readable. DONE 2004-07-01: Editors to incorporate solution proposed in 2004Jun/0276.html including Mark's amendment, plus note that errors are an open set. (Issue 218) DONE 2004-07-01: Editors to include or import defn of "actual value" from XML Schema. (Issue 219) DONE [.7] 2004-07-01: MarkN to start a thread on 220 with the intent to get a proposal by next week. DONE [.5] 2004-07-01: Editors to incorporate Mark's proposal #1, with ed license (see Roberto's suggestion) (Issue 225). DONE [.6] 2004-07-01: MarkN to investigate type wording, to ensure non-infoset type systems are allowed in <types> (Issue 225 part 2). [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/#actions [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0018.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0014.html [.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0037.html [.5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0059.html [.6] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0050.html [.7] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0049.html [.8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0047.html [.9] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0022.html [.10] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0061.html [.11] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0287.html --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Administrivia a. - August 2-4 (London) Logistics [.1], registration [.2]. - September 14-16 (Toronto) [.3] - November (West Coast) 8-10 webMethods Sunnyvale, CA. Poll on moving to 9-11 [.4] poll for dates for Nov F2F closes Sunday results on Monday b. XMLP WG response to our comments [.5, .6] - Postpone till next week. postpone talking to XMLP until next week [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/04-08-f2f.htm [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-desc/2004Mar/0064.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-desc/2004May/0000.html [.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-desc/2004Jul/0008.html [.5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0036.html [.6] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0006.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Task Force Status. a. Media type description - 1st Working Draft Published [.1] b. MTOM/XOP - Last Call Published [.2] c. QA & Testing - Suggested QA plan [.3] - More details from Arthur [.4] - Interop bake-off d. Schema versioning - Waiting to hear back from Schema on my draft "charter." - Henry's validate-twice write-up [.5] [.1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-xml-media-types-20040608/ [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0052.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Apr/att-0029/QA_Oper ational_Checklist.htm [.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Apr/0037.html [.5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Apr/0019.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. New Issues. Issues list [.1]. - Consistent placement of <feature> and <property> (Sanjiva) [.2] - Editorial issues with Part 3 (Hugo) [.3] - MTOM/XOP support (Umit) [.4] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0267.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0011.html [.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0038.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Editorial issues: - In the hands of the editors: 208 Misc. editorial comments 213 Refine component model property constraints 215 Clarify rule obviation - Proposed to go directly to editors without further discussion: 227 Description of Binding Operation component 235 Definition of Fault 231 Clarify "patterns" 232 Differentiate our MEPs from underlying protocol MEPs [.1] 234 Ruleset terminology 226 Cross-binding HTTP features [.1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0030.html Marsh: Anybody object to making these issues editorial? No objection. RESOLUTION: Issues 227, 235, 231, 232, 234, 226 referred to editors. ACTION: Editors to deal with issue 227, come back to the WG with issues if any. ACTION: Editors to deal with issue 235, come back to the WG with issues if any. ACTION: Editors to deal with issue 231, come back to the WG with issues if any. ACTION: Editors to deal with issue 232, come back to the WG with issues if any. ACTION: Editors to deal with issue 234, come back to the WG with issues if any. ACTION: Editors to deal with issue 226, come back to the WG with issues if any. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Issue 177: Normative dependence on XML Schema 1.0 precludes XML 1.1 [.1] - Jonathan's proposal [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x177 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0258.html Umit: All WSDL processors must be able to accept XML 1.1 documents? Marsh: Friendly amendment XML 1.1 is not a conformance requirement Umit: Why not rev WSDL for XML 1.1? We have to think what conformance really means for XML versions - we'll have to rev the spec anyway when we get new version of schema Marsh: Nothing we have to do for LC to promise to rev in the future, any questions on my proposal? Asir: Can't we raise a LC issue#1 on this issue and await the outcome from the schema WG. Tom: Likes Jonathan's proposal dbooth: If accepted, we should flag this at risk dependent upon the findings of the schema 1.1 WG Marsh: Any objections to adopting my proposal? Umit: Sounds OK so far, but i would like to see this written down Marsh: We need to adopt this (or not) today, not willing to keep the issue open longer. Is the amendment clear? Straw Poll: Adopt 177 with amendments <Marsh> Yes: 18; 2 Nos (Oracle) Marsh: Do we have consensus? yes RESOLUTION: close issue 177 with Jonathan's modified proposal. <Marsh> ACTION: Editors to implement resolution to 177 as amended. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Issue 228: Should f&p be allowed in more places? [.1] - Proposal to allow f&p on Interface Faults, Binding Faults, and Fault References [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x228 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0039.html Glen: We should document the scope for each place we allow a feature Marsh: Any objections to adopting this proposal? <Marsh> Kevin, Tom, Microsoft object. Straw Poll - adopt proposal for issue 228? * sanjiva votes yes because even if we are doing something wrong its good to do it wrong all over consistently rather than haphazardly :-( <Marsh> Yes: 11, No: 4 (Kevin, Tom, Gudge, JeffSch), Abstains: 7 Marsh: Any objections to recording consensus? (no) RESOLUTION: Close issue 228 by adding f&p to Interface Faults, Binding Faults, and Fault References. ACTION: Editors to implement resolution to 228 <Marsh> ACTION: Glen to verifiy composition model. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Issue 195: Property value merging [.1] - We have a property composition model [.2] - We don't have a language that helps navigate properties [.3] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x195 [.2] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.html?cont ent-type=text/html%3B0charset=utf-8#Property_composition_model [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004May/0040.html RESOLUTION: close issue 195 with no action. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Issue 112: New headers/body style? [.1] - AD feature proposal (Dave, Glen, Yaron) [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x112 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0225.html Asir: Has question on the list re: mustUnderstand, 2nd question - where does this proposal fit (part 4 or note?) DaveO: First part in part1, then specific features in part3 Marsh: Note means we don't have to write this for LC Glen: Some of this is normative, right? <dbooth> q+ to note that this would be defining an extension that anyone could define and ask if the AD proposal fills an 80/20 need <jeffsch> What is "part 4"? <asir> adjuncts <Marsh> jeffsch: a myth <asir> collection of built-in features and properties Glen: Is this just normative or required of all WSDL processors? <jeffsch> How many "mandatory" features are currently being proposed? DBooth: A note puts it at the status of any other extension - does this fill 80/20 need to be in the core spec? <Gudge> didn't we already *remove* a way to specify headers? (in Virginia) <sanjiva> yes we did .. now we're considering putting them back as a required feature! <umit> we have made the agreement based on the promise that we will address ADD. Otherwise, this decision would not be reached dbooth: 'required' for an extension flags up interoperability problems Glen: Having one mechanism standardised here improves interoperability <TomJ> I didn't like the fact that we removed header in the first place! Sanjiva: Doesn't understand concept of having 'required features' <jeffsch> +1 to Sanjiva that _extensions_ should not be mandatory Glen: Make it a feature rather than a language thing which may be too locked down <jeffsch> What is the concern if the feature is not mandatory? That some WSDL authors won't see the value of the feature and fail to use it? <dbooth> A "required extension" is merely a convenient way for the WSDL spec writers to define a normative part of the spec. Sanjiva: Why use extensibility mechanism to define required language <jeffsch> What is the risk of making any feature non mandatory? Umit: We're here because we removed the ability to describe headers Sanjiva: Either we have AD as an optional extension, or we have 'headers' directly in the language <TomJ> I would support putting headers back in the language - +1 to Sanjiva daveo: are you making a proposal, Sanjiva? <sanjiva> I don't recall having an agreement that removing headers meant that the AD feature would be a required thing. Sanjiva: No, we've already removed headers and doesn't like "required feature" <prasad> I would support putting headers back as well. Then we can nail the operation name issue via a header! Which is the right soln IMO :) <umit> I would support it as well. Glen: "required feature" means binding will engage the appropriate SOAP module <jeffsch> On which WSDL construct would the proposed 'feature' go? <dbooth> Straw poll 1: Should the ADD Feature be required of all conformant WSDL processors? Glen: Required by default (only need property declaration), or not <sanjiva> Jeff: I think it goes on <operation> .. but one of the proponents should indicate where it goes. The proposal doesn't seem to make that clear. Asir: Suggest modification - add concept of builtin (predefined) features Marsh: This is basically the intent of proposal daveo: mustUnderstand should be in the abstract defined at the \ interface level. Glen: Why in the WSDL? <jeffsch> Would the proposed 'feature' go on wsdl:interface/wsdl:operation? Glen: Versioning?! seems a little wierd when you've built an incompatible extenstion? <jeffsch> Why would one indicate a SOAP header in wsdl:interface (versus wsdl:binding)? Glen: Why not just change the interface and do the whole thing? DaveO: Well why do we need or even have soap:mustUnderstand? Glen: mustUnderstand only applies to headers (implicit on whole body) DaveO: The client might not control the qname of the soap body. Distributed extensibility <asir> suggestion: split the question - add proposal, mU, role, .. Amy: soap:mustUnderstand in the body? DaveO: Client doesn't control the description of the body - client has to use soap extensibility mechanism to extend the message <dbooth> Straw poll v2: Should we adopt the proposed AD Feature (which MUST be supported by all conformant WSDL processors)? Sanjiva: Wonders how abstract mustUnderstand maps to other bindings <GlenD> glend wonders how bodies with arbitrary XML map to other bindings :) Marsh: Suggest adopting this proposal and moving mustUnderstand to another issue <jeffsch> GlenD: Agreed. AD is a 'how much more' argument. Umit: There was a friendly amendment for an abstract MU DaveO: Liked the ad:mustUnderstand amendment Asir: Doesn't like mustUnderstand and role in the interface <Marsh> Straw poll: amend proposal to remove mustUnderstand and role <jeffsch> Given the trouble we have binding rich 'body' to non-SOAP bindings, how much more trouble will we have binding 'header' to non-SOAP bindings? <sanjiva> if you can make the requiredness go away I'll support this .. to me having a required feature doesn't make sense in general and, in this particular case, its basically syntactic alternate for @headers which we removed. So I'd suggest a friendly amendment to make it not be required. <jeffsch> How should one vote on the straw poll if one does not support the proposal as a whole? <GlenD> jeff - abstain, I'd guess, then vote no on the 2nd one <umit> That is not a friendly amandement Sanjiva :-) <sanjiva> ok ;-) then you know my vote! <dbooth> Straw poll v2: Should we adopt the proposed AD Feature (which MUST be supported by all conformant WSDL processors)? <jeffsch> Is the 'friendly ammendment' of Sanjiva in play, that it be made not required? <Marsh> Yes: 6, No: 6, Abastain: 9 <GlenD> as did Sanjiva Straw Poll: publish by this WG as a feature - not required for a conformant processor <Marsh> Yes: 14; 5 Nos, 3 abstain <DaveO> so we went from a required soap:header, which we got rid of because of AD, to an optional feature. yuck. <sanjiva> Its a feature DaveO .. and you can mark it required if you want. <umit> yuck too. <jeffsch> FWIW, I will still vote against the proposal but will not object to recording it as the consensus of the group Straw Poll: motion to adopt proposal as amended <sanjiva> +1 to JeffSch .. I'll abstain this time :) <dbooth> Straw poll: Adopt AD proposal as amended (to be not required of all conformant WSDL processors)? <sanjiva> And then we have to figure out which spec this is going into .. but that's a separate question. <Marsh> Yes: 16, NO: 2, abstain: 4 <Marsh> Consensus to adopt proposal DBooth: Suggest separate publication as note/part4 to avoid critical path for LC <sanjiva> I think this is a new part4 .. just like we have a part for all the MEPs. <Marsh> RESOLUTION: Adopt AD proposal as amended (optional, ad:mustUnderstand). <Gudge> +1 to having a Part 4 Sanjiva: Suggests separate Features document DaveO: We just voted on the all the adjustments so why can't it go in the core spec? Umit: Part4 would be in the same track for LC ? <asir> Suggest Part 4: Adjuncts <sanjiva> +1 to Glen's suggestion to avoid creating new documents. Glen: Part 2 could be normative extensions? Hugo: Sounds editorial? Sanjiva: Quick straw poll on glen's part 2 suggestion? <jeffsch> What is the downside to a Part 4? Amy: Anything else that would end up in part 2? Marsh: operationName? <GlenD> No real downside but for "yet another document" <jeffsch> (Not pushing back on features in Part 2 but asking for clarification.) <sanjiva> Jeff: The only downside I see is that we'd have to create yet another doc .. but that's not a real downside. <GlenD> SOAP has an "adjuncts" doc for the RPC stuff, the encoding, and the bindings + features <sanjiva> So editorial convenience would be to put these in part2 <jeffsch> Agreed. Editors do work that life may be easier for others. <GlenD> That seems to work well as opposed to four separate docs Amy: You can create new exchange patterns, so part 2 already covers "extensions and extensibility" .. <DaveO> I'm a big -1 on a part 4,5,6,7 <GlenD> +1 to part 2 - I need to disappear for ~5 min <asir> Ok to part 2 <DaveO> It will be weird to constrain the http binding by the part 2. ACTION: Editors to add the optional AD feature to Part 2 (Issue 112). ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Issue 158: Setting HTTP headers in the HTTP binding [.1] - Postpone? (DaveO, Glen to champion) [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x158 <Marsh> RESOLUTION: Close 158 as subsumed by issue 112. Hugo: Has been wondering about other HTTP headers such as content-length .. <hugo> ACTION: Hugo to send email about AD feature setting HTTP header it shouldn't set. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Issue 225: Non-XML type system extensibility. [.1] - Mark's revised proposals [.2] - Mark's proposals for <types> [.3] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x225 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0174.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0050.html Marsh: Summarises Mark's proposal <sanjiva> +1 to what Gudge just said .. that's my recollection too. Gudge: Types that contain any type description not compatible with elements, then definitions component would have a new property. Sees no reason to change 'element declarations' property. <sanjiva> See http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.html#othe r-types Marsh: Close issue with no action? <sanjiva> Section 3.2 of the current draft has the words describing how non-xml type systems will work in WSDL 2.0. RESOLUTION: close 225 with no action ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Issue 230: {label} vs. {message label} [.1] - Proposal to fix as editorial [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x230 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0051.html RESOLUTION: close 230 with action to editors to adopt Mark's proposal ACTION: editors to adopt MarkN's resolution for issue 230 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Issue 220: Document interface extension semantics [.1] - Editorial directions [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x220 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0049.html DaveO: What does interface extension mean? mark is right - it's spread across several documents. i prefer consolidation Kevin: Also prefers consolidation * pauld was there an action there? RESOLUTION: Editorial. ACTION: Editors to incorporate issue 220, come back to WG with any issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Issue 233: Dynamically override Fault destination? [.1] - Proposal to allow faults to be retargeted [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x220 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0052.html Umit: Intention here is unclear WRT delivery of a message - fault message may not be delivered to the same target node Amy: We cannot guarantee delivery of a fault DBooth: We don't need to do anything here - already covered by semantics of extensions .. Amy: Thinks we can clarify this by an informative note or part 2 could describe how various extensions may effect message delivery including delivery of faults RESOLUTION 233: amy's proposal accepted ACTION: editors to adopt Amy's proposal for Issue 233 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Issue 168: Which operation [.1] - DBooth revived the thread at [.2] - Analysis at [.3] - Umit's proposal [.4] - Paul's related question about faulst [.5] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x168 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0112.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0300.html [.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0037.html [.5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0043.html Postponed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. webMethod issues: - Issue 229: useOperationWebMethod proposal [.1] - DaveO's proposal [.2] - Issue 169: Syntax for webMethod - property or attribute? [.3] - Proposal [.4] - Atom WSDL binding example [.5] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x229 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0288.html [.3] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x169 [.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0060.html [.5] http://www.pacificspirit.com/blog/2004/07/05/atom_03_wsdl_20 Postponed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Issue 189: Binding message content to URI [.1] - Issue details from DaveO [.2] - Omitting content - Attributes - QNames - ATOM WSDL example [.3] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x189 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0061.html [.3] http://www.pacificspirit.com/blog/2004/07/05/atom_03_wsdl_20 Postponed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. Issue 130: Need async request/response HTTP binding [.1] - WG in favor of adding such a MEP, with some expressing a desire that this be as lightweight as possible. - Revived proposal from DaveO [.2] - Sanjiva's alternative [.3] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x130 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jun/0287.html [.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0040.html Postponed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. Issue 135: WSDL Specification readability (editorial) [.1] - Proposed resolution from Yaron [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x135 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Mar/0059.html DBooth: Thinks it's not worth the effort. My work predated Yaron's proposal. DaveO: Likes Yaron's proposal after working on part 3 <sanjiva> I'm -1 for making any drastic editorial changes at this time! DBooth: This would translate into a lot of editorial work - what's the cost (v) benefit? DaveO: Volunteers working on part 3 Amy: Worries about duplication making the document ambiguous Yaron's proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Mar/0059.html Straw poll: adopt Yaron's proposal? Yes: 1, No: 11, Abstain: 10 RESOLUTION: close issue 135 with no action ------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. Issue 211: Omit interface message in binding? [.1] - Mark's proposal [.2] [.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/2/06/issues.html#x211 [.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2004Jul/0047.html <jeffsch> +1 that operations may be implicitly bound <umit> Me well, it forces to use the full path to get rm, so you know what you are doing :-) <jeffsch> but that all operations must be bound <Marsh> Amy: Clarify that every message in every operation must be bound. Marsh: Take this back to the list since we're out of time ------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. Next steps - Closing issues list on Parts 1, 2, 3 except to editorial issues. - Email votes on any outstanding items? - Last Call Schedule: - July 15th (90 min telcon): Editors complete editorial work for WG review. Disposition of any outstanding editorial issues - July 22nd (90 min or less telcon): Approval of Last Call drafts. - July 26th (aka May 87th) WSDL 2.0 Last Call publication. - July 29th (no telcon) Marsh: we still have 4 big topics remaining, feels like we've slipped a week, so 2 hours again next week Adjourned
Received on Thursday, 8 July 2004 14:47:27 UTC