New Issue: MTOM/XOP support, probably editorial

In reviewing the Part3 Editor's copy [1], I came accross the following 
wording in Section 2.2

Payload Construction. When formulating the SOAP envelope to be 
transmitted the contents of the payload (i.e., the contents of the 
soap:Body element information item of the SOAP envelope) MUST be what is 
defined by the corresponding Message Reference component, subject to 
optimization of MTOM [SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism 
if that feature is in use.

I am suspecting that this section's wording unintentionally implies that 
MTOM is the only serialization technique that can be used for 
optimization in the  SOAP 1.2 binding. What we have agreed in the f2f 
was that we will use a Feature marker to indicate that a serialization 
optimization mechanism may be in effect. A reader thinks that WSDL SOAP 
1.2 binding can only utilize MTOM, but this was not the intention. 
Therefore, I propose the following change, editorial but important:

Payload Construction. When formulating the SOAP envelope to be 
transmitted the contents of the payload (i.e., the contents of the 
soap:Body element information item of the SOAP envelope) MUST be what is 
defined by the corresponding Message Reference component. This is 
subject to optimization by a Feature that is in use which may affect 
serialization, such as MTOM [SOAP Message Transmission Optimization 




Umit Yalcinalp                                  
Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 650 607 6154                          

Received on Friday, 2 July 2004 22:29:28 UTC