+1 Re: [PLS] Same late editorial corrections - OFFICIAL REPLY
<disconnect/> on outbound call
[pls] France Telecom, Orange Labs, Implementation Report for PLS 1.0 Candidate Recommendation
[pls] Loquendo Implementation Report for PLS 1.0 Specification
[PLS] Same late editorial corrections
[PLS] Same late editorial corrections - OFFICIAL REPLY
[scxml] Fourth WD of SCXML is published
CCXML state variable - ISSUE-325
CCXML: Dialog and Connection objects ISSUE-236 / ISSUE-237 [cc]
chair's report from Orlando F2F meeting of VBWG, March 5-7, 2008
Event handling problem
Last call working draft of SSML 1.1 now available for reivew
Notification of implicit bridge teardowns
query. - ISSUE-234
Regarding xml:lang in prompts
SCXML: Fundamental questions
Shocked by new SCXML Draft
SISR default handling: for each rule or only for top level rule ?
SSML 1.1 April face-to-face meeting summary
The In() predicate
VoiceXML implied exiting
VXML: Reg caching policy
VXML: Regarding <prompt> in <object> and <subdialog>
Last message date: Friday, 20 June 2008 20:59:37 UTC