Re: [css-pseudo] Need a way to styling the disclosure triangle of the <details> (or <summary>) element

On 03/08/2016 11:20 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> No, I got you, but it sounds like you're not understanding *me*.  A
> horizontal navbar *is not a table rendition*.  It's not a table in any
> way, shape, or form.  It's just a one-line horizontal arrangement of
> blocks.  (Or if it *is* a table, then so is block layout - that's just
> a one-line vertical arrangement of blocks. This beggars the definition
> of "table".)
> People do not think "oh, this navbar is basically a table, I should
> use display:table for it, that seems appropriate".  They think "I need
> these to be horizontal. display:table does that, I guess I'll use it".
> It's a functional understanding of the values - they have some effect,
> I need that effect, I'll use them.  It's just a tool in their toolbox,
> sitting right next to "lots of floats" and "display:inline-block".
> There hasn't been a lot of call for "a block with a marker" yet, so I
> wouldn't be surprised if most people haven't built up a functional
> understanding of what display:list-item does; it's pretty reasonable
> for them currently to think of it as "the thing that goes on <li>".
> But there's no reason to presume that it will stay this way, and
> people will have trouble adapting their functional understanding of
> the value.
> (All this presumes that people *will care in the slightest*, which I
> doubt for the most part.  We're adjusting the UA stylesheet for a
> rarely-used element, not authoring a new tutorial guide.)

I agree with everything Tab has written here, fwiw. And imho using
'list-item' here is in no way a hack, it is a perfectly reasonable

I think "block with a marker" will become more popular as we improve
its styling capabilities, and this will therefore seem less weird in
hindsight, not more.


Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 22:32:22 UTC