Re: [css-flexbox] interactions of percentages with min-height: auto

Hi! Thanks, two nits/concerns:

On 04/04/2016 01:41 PM, fantasai wrote:
> Okay, we added some text explaining that for the purpose of calculating
> intrinsic sizes, percentages are treated as indefinite within min-size:
> auto
> boxes:
>   "For the purpose of calculating an intrinsic size of the element
>   (e.g. the element’s min-content size), this value causes the
>   element’s width/height to become indefinite (even if e.g. its
>   width property specifies a definite size)

"width/height" here is ambiguous -- it's not clear whether the "/" is an
"and" vs. "or".

(I think you intend it to be "or", whichever of those properties is in
the flex container's main axis?)

You could clarify this by replacing "width/height" with "main-size
property (width/height)"

>   Note this means that
>   percentages calculated against this size will be treated as auto."

You didn't quote it in this email, but the prose continues immediately
after that ^ sentence, in the same paragraph, with: "Otherwise, [stuff
about an additional layout pass]."  It's not at all clear what the word
"otherwise" applies to here. (i.e. it's unclear what the "if" is that
it's else'ing.)

In the bikeshed markup, this "Otherwise" sentence seems to want to be
its own separate thought:
...though it doesn't end up that way in the generated HTML:

Received on Monday, 4 April 2016 21:10:47 UTC