- From: <mongolie2006-w3@yahoo.fr>
- Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 15:25:03 +0000 (GMT)
- To: www-style@w3.org
Mongolia, city of Precious (Эрдэнэт) Hello. In the predefined styles, I would like, as the director of Fiable.biz (http://Fiable.biz), a Mongolian web site creation business, to make you aware of 2 systems commonly used in Mongolia: one is just alphabetical, using the Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet, differing from the full Russian one by 2 extra letters: "ө" and "ү": 'а' 'б' 'в' 'г' 'д' 'е' 'ё' 'ж' 'з' 'и' 'й' 'к' 'л' 'м' 'н' 'о' 'ө' 'п' 'р' 'с' 'т' 'у' 'ү' 'ф' 'х' 'ц' 'ч' 'ш' 'щ' 'ъ' 'ы' 'ь' 'э' 'ю' 'я' A variant is to use capital letters. Another system, specially used in law, is to use the numbers written in full letters. The algorithm is a bit more complex: it's a decimal system, where digits are written in the same order as in an Arabic number, or in English, separated by a space. Except for 0, 1, and 2, the units have 2 forms according to whether they finish the full number (1st form in the list below) or are followed by anything: 0: тэг (never used in law) 1: нэг 2: хоёр 3: гурав, гурван 4: дөрөв, дөрвөн 5: тав, таван 6: зургаа, зургаан 7: долоо, долоон 8: найм, найман 9: ес, есэн The decades also have 2 forms according to whether they finish the full number (1st form in the list below) or are followed by anything: 10: арав, арван 20: хорь, хорин 30: гуч, гучин 40: дөч, дөчин 50: тавь, тавин 60: жар, жаран 70: дал, далан 80: ная, наян 90: ер, ерэн The hundreds are just composed by the multiplicative unit followed by "зуу" if nothing follows or "зуун" if followed by anything. The thousands are composed by the multiplicative decade and unit followed by "мянга". The very first letter is capital, the other are small. For examples: 201 344 = "Хоёр зуун нэг мянга гурван зуун дөчин дөрөв", 350 = "Гурван зуун тавь" 100 = "Нэг зуу" A variant is to put everything in capital. Ordinal numbers seems to be very used in contracts. Another variant (used in proper laws and in the Constitution of Mongolia) is to use the ordinal numbers instead of the cardinal numbers: At the end of the cardinal number written in letters, is added, without any space inserted, it the suffix meaning "-th" (or "-st", "-nd", "-rd"), which is "дугаар" if the last word contains the vowels "а", "ё", "о", "У" or "я" "дүгээр" if the last word contains the vowels "е", "ө", "ү" or "э" For examples: 201 344th = "Хоёр зуун нэг мянга гурван зуун дөчин дөрөвдүгээр", 350th = "Гурван зуун тавьдугаар" 100th = "Нэг зуудуугаар" A variant of the variant is to use ordinal numbers in all capital letters. The Mongolian Constitution uses both the latter system to number the chapters, and the ordinal numbers with only one capital letter to number the articles. In French, specially in codes of law, it is common to number the first item "Ier" (meaning "premier"="first", an ordinal number), and then to use cardinal Roman numbers: Ier, II, III, IV etc. See for instance http://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000005634379 A variant is to write "premier" in full letters, and the other numbers in Roman: premier, II, III, IV etc. See for instance the chapters numeration there: http://www.abbaye-saint-benoit.ch/saints/augustin/confessions/livre1.htm Some French also have the habit to write, like the Mongolian parliament do, the full ordinal numbers in letters. This use to be the rule for printed books chapters. See for instance the books numeration (vertically, on the left) there: http://www.abbaye-saint-benoit.ch/saints/augustin/confessions/livre1.htm I can describe the French ordinal numeration if needed, but I think it is much easier to find that the Mongolian one. I guess there are quite many other cultures where quite many lists are numbered by numbers written in letters.
Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 15:25:46 UTC