Re: [css3-background] does border-radius round the border-image ?

L. David Baron wrote:
> says:
>   # Backgrounds, but not the border-image, are clipped to the inner,
>   # resp., outer curve of the border if ‘background-clip’ is
>   # ‘padding-box’ resp., ‘border-box’. Other effects that clip to
>   # the border or padding edge (such as ‘overflow’) also must clip
>   # to the curve. 
> I can't tell if this is saying:
>  1. border images are not clipped by the rounding from border-radius
>  2. border images are always clipped by the outer edge of the curve
> (It's not clear whether border-image is included or excluded from
> "Other effects" given that it was excluded from the first part.)

I've removed the "inner, resp., outer ...resp." bit. It was added
later, presumably as a clarification, but seems to be more confusing
than anything. The text now reads

   # Backgrounds, but not the border-image, are clipped to the curve.
   # Other effects that clip to the border or padding edge (such as
   # 'overflow') also must clip to the curve.

Let me know if this helps.


Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2009 02:09:44 UTC