www-rdf-logic@w3.org from June 2003 by thread

CfP: EON2003 at ISWC2003 York Sure (Monday, 30 June)

GraphSL: Idea for an RDF Graph Schema Language Sean B. Palmer (Monday, 30 June)

New release of FLORA-2 Michael Kifer (Sunday, 29 June)

DAML newbie question Payam Fard (Saturday, 28 June)

KRDB-2003 Deadline Extension Carsten Lutz (Friday, 27 June)

owl:imports and xml namespace! Davide Noaro (Friday, 27 June)

owl:Entity Richard H. McCullough (Thursday, 26 June)

owl:Restriction and genus-differentia definitions Richard H. McCullough (Thursday, 26 June)

Fwd: RE: OWL Comment: have long CR period for OWL, or move owl:oneOf, owl: have Value to OWL Full Jim Hendler (Wednesday, 25 June)

Workshop on Semantic Integration at ISWC 2003 (2nd CFP) Natasha Noy (Wednesday, 25 June)

RE: OWL Comment: have long CR period for OWL, or move owl:oneOf, owl: have Value to OWL Full Jeremy Carroll (Wednesday, 25 June)

RE: OWL Comment: have long CR period for OWL, or move owl:oneOf, owl: have Value to OWL Full Dan Connolly (Wednesday, 25 June)

Re: proposed response to Jeff Pan's response of 23 June concerning datatypes Jeff Z. Pan (Wednesday, 25 June)

Workshop on PRACTICAL AND SCALABLE SEMANTIC SYSTEMS (2nd Call for Papers) Raphael Volz (Monday, 23 June)

CFP: VLDB 2003 Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases Vipul Kashyap (Sunday, 22 June)

5'th International Conference on eCommerce (ICEC '03) Workshop Program Monika De Reno (Friday, 20 June)

Workshop on Knowledge Management and Semantic Web (K-CAP'2003) - Fabien Gandon - (Tuesday, 17 June)

Partial Imports (was www-webont-wg@w3.org Re: Proposed response to Golbeck regarding imports issue) Jim Hendler (Tuesday, 17 June)

Re: Presentation Syntax - why? Jim Hendler (Tuesday, 17 June)

Layering the SW! Problems! Davide Noaro (Monday, 16 June)

CFP: VLDB Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases Vipul Kashyap (Tuesday, 10 June)

RE: Entailment / Datalog Complete, Sound, Terminating / English Reasoning Danny Ayers (Tuesday, 10 June)

Call for participation: June 23-26, 2003, CS & CE Conferences, Las Vegas Hamid Arabnia (Saturday, 7 June)

RE: Alternative RDF/XML serializations Jimmy Cerra (Saturday, 7 June)

Is everything blank? Jimmy Cerra (Friday, 6 June)

KCAP 03 Markup and Annotation Workshop Siegfried Handschuh (Thursday, 5 June)

VLDB/MDDE-2003 - Deadline extended Chabane Djeraba (Wednesday, 4 June)

OOIS/OMMT-2003 - Extended deadline Chabane Djeraba (Wednesday, 4 June)


reference needed Steven Gollery (Monday, 2 June)

VLDB/MDDE-2003 Chabane Djeraba (Monday, 2 June)

OOIS/OMMT-2003 Chabane Djeraba (Monday, 2 June)

OOIS/OMMT-2003 Chabane Djeraba (Monday, 2 June)

Re: OWL off-the-shelf? Dave Reynolds (Monday, 2 June)

VLDB/MDDE-2003 - Submission Deadline: June 9, 2003 Chabane Djeraba (Monday, 2 June)

VLDB/MDDE-2003 - Submission Deadline: June 9, 2003 Chabane Djeraba (Monday, 2 June)

Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2003 10:29:51 UTC