RE: Alternative RDF serializations

>Thanks for clarifying these issues.
>Looking at your "XML serialization", I have no desire to use it.
>To me, it is not "easy reading and writing by humans".

Of course, that was only a hypothetical example.  One interesting
serialization is based on CSS; I am really intrigued by this idea. Take
a look at [1], and at the example below:

] @namespace dc url(
] :root {
]   dc|description: "A discussion of ... XML/RDF techniques.";
]   dc|creator: "Uche Ogbuji";
] }

This is similar to MKR (but I like CSS's brackets) [2]:

] <MKR
]    xmlns    =""
]    xmlns:ex =""
]    xmlns:dc ="">
] Dave Beckett has
]    ex:homepage="";
] document has
]    dc:title="RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)",
]    ex:editor=Dave Beckett,
]    uri="";
] </MKR>

Jimmy Cerra

] "I have learned these days, never to limit
]  anyone else due to my own limited
]  imagination." - Dr. Mae C. Jemison 


[2] What can I say?  I'm just a C/Java - not a Python - guy!

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 16:00:32 UTC