Re: "Resource" (RDF vocabulary definitions)

Response not crossposted:

At 10:06 25/11/2002 +0000, Dave Beckett wrote:


> > Does this mean that if I represent a graph in rdf/xml inside an html
> > document by putting some triples inside rdf tags it has a completely
> > different meaning to a graph expressed in exactly the same way but 
> served as
> > an .rdf document?

I said somthing like that once and Graham Klyne pointed out my error to me.

If I have some HTML containing say:

   <rdf:Description rdf:about="">

The issue here is about what names.  The 
meaning of this is not dependent on the mimetype of the referring document, 
e.g. text/html, but on the mime-type of the *retrieved* document.  The RDF 
specs are saying that for determining the RDF meaning of this uriref, it is 
the meaning that would be assigned by retrieving a document of mime-type 

Embedding in a document of mime-type text/html does not affect this.


Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 06:08:37 UTC