<a footnote="proposal">

I wish to propose a new attribute for the <a>-tag, which will allow to
display some kind of footnotes. This is how it should work:
The source-code  

<a footnote="some text">the footnoted text</a>  

should cause the HTML-processor to mark "the footnoted text" as
footnoted and to display "some text", e.g. on mouse-click. "some text"
might be displayed in a little pop-up window next to "the footnoted
text" or in the status bar.
Using "footnote" allows for providing short comments without loading
hole HTML-documents or jumping to the bottom of a page which is not very
comfortable for the reader. As an attribute of <a> it allows especially
for footnoting images and using footnotes in the <map>-environment.
Looking forward to some comments of yours
Hans-Peter Stricker

Received on Friday, 11 October 1996 20:21:56 UTC