Re: <a footnote="proposal">

> Why can't you represent footnotes in the following form:
> You can find out about named links from the HTML 2.0 page at the W3C
> <A HREF=""
>   REV="footnote">
>     <sub>1</sub>
> </A>.

Nothing wrong with that, if your footnote is instantiated as a separate
page, but as I understand it, it would be REL=footnote, rather than
REV. REV=footnote would mean that your document was the footnote to the
W3C HTML Spec. Footnotes usually use <sup>, but it would be a useful
practice if <fn> caused a <sup> and leave the way clear for you to use
<sub> with <a>.


Received on Tuesday, 15 October 1996 06:25:11 UTC