Re: .webfont Proposal 2

Also sprach Aryeh Gregor:

 > Many specs have UI requirements of various sorts.  E.g., CSS 2.1 says
 > that "If the source document comes with alternate style sheet sets
 > (such as with the 'alternate' keyword in HTML 4 [HTML4]), the UA must
 > allow the user to select which style sheet set the UA should apply."

True. Still, requiring information from a linked resource to be
displayed on somewhere other than the canvas would be a first, I
believe. For example, PNG defines chunks for copyright information,
but it doesn't require the copyright notice to be shown in pages
linking to that PNG file.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Saturday, 18 July 2009 09:34:21 UTC