Re: .webfont Proposal 2

Also sprach John Daggett:

 > Is a user agent required to treat the contents of the <allow> element
 > the same way EOT root strings are supposed to be handled?  If it is, I
 > would object, otherwise I'm quite happy with a format that includes
 > metadata that indicates any manner of licensing information, including
 > root strings.

I'm not comfortable having root strings, even if the specification
says they can be ignored. For one, we could see heavy lobbying to
remove the "can be ignored" part in the next version of the
specification. Second, some judge somewhere could rule that his laws
(DMCA perhaps) trumps any specification and that implementations
therefore must "honor" root strings.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Saturday, 18 July 2009 09:40:14 UTC