Re: Fonts WG Charter feedback

Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

>   Enforcement would be
>   the responsibility of the font vendor and not the browser or
>   authoring tool, although font vendors would greatly appreciate any
>   support offered by browsers in communicating the need to obtain
>   licenses.

> Assuming that the last sentence comes out loud and clear, I think it
> will be ok. That is, there will be no new data for browsers to deal
> with.

There will be new data that a browser maker may elect to deal with; 
indeed, new data that the browser maker will hopefully see as worth 
dealing with, because it serves web publishers. Personally, I would 
modify that last sentence to replace 'font vendors' with some more 
inclusive term: it currently encourages the mistaken view -- seemingly 
prevalent -- that font vendors are the only people who care about font 
licensing. Our customers and clients also care about font licensing and 
about managing exposure of their assets.

John Hudson

Received on Sunday, 5 July 2009 20:43:12 UTC