www-annotation@w3.org from July to December 2003 by subject

10 Tips for a Successful Marketing Campaign

3 CfP: KCAP 03 Markup and Annotation Workshop

[question] about annotea

A true internet business with NO UPFRONT EXPENSE!

access problems

Amaya 8.1a and Annotea shared bookmarks

Annotation XSL scripts

Annotest server unhappy?

Can't annotate. Post error


character encoding problems

Comments on Annotea server and protocol

draft Semantic Web Best Practices WG for discussion

Encoding for URLs in Algae queries?

Error when trying to create annotations ?

Europe and US hotels offers

FilmEd application / ZAnnot discrepencies

Fwd: Bookmarklet to show anchors and ids in a DOM Level 1 compliant browser]

HK DVD, Buy 5 get 3 NOW, GoodsWell.com 7/4/2003 1:11:17 AM

Hotel offers

IPsmarx Technologies Inc. Canada

new client

Notice: Last step in transition to DC 1.1

OK, So who and what is Freestore Club and why is it free?

OT?: Installing W3's perllib - missing NDBM_File in RH9/5.8.0

Own instance of Annotation server Authentication problem with amaya.

problems when posting annotations in Amaya 8.2

Relentless Press Release

SEMANNOT2003 Program

Starting point for annotations?

Thank you!

The Worlds Greatest Vitamin!

user studies of annotation systems?

W3C mailing list search results in RDF


XSLT-based Annotea client

Your details

Zannot and Amaya problems

Last message date: Monday, 22 December 2003 00:31:40 UTC