A true internet business with NO UPFRONT EXPENSE!

First I like to introduce myself and let you know why I'm contacting you. My name is LEO and I received your name as someone who is looking for a real, INTERNET BASED business that you can work from your home, WITHOUT ANY RISK! OUR PROGRAM IS LITERALLY NOTHING TO START! Thank you for your interest.

Your e-mail address has been provided to me through one of the following methods:
You submitted a classified ad or link to one of my pages or you were sent to me by one of several "lead-generating" organizations as a result of having filled out their "request for information" form.
Through a series of these messages you will learn everything you need to know about us, our company, and best of all how you can launch your own online business.

Of course you can contact me at any time.  

Over the next few weeks I will be providing you with information that will allow you to make hundreds (even thousands) of dollars, weekly! If, at any time you'd like to be removed from my mail list, simply remove yourself with the link provided at the bottom of the mailing.

Our company, Freestore Club - Prepaid Living, is a division of a 5 year old, stable, extremely well managed corporation named LightHouse America. The company is not only solid and stable but also has tremendous integrity. ALL checks are always paid on time and the company owner and management are down to earth, caring entrepreneurs just like you and me!

Now, what we are not is.... ANOTHER TYPICAL DEAL, our business model is EMM, Exact Method Marketing! You will learn how to build a business from home without having to do any selling, recruiting and product distribution. Most of us can't sell and the company knows that. They also know that RECRUITING IS SELLING, and that's why most people fail in NETWORK MARKETING.

Over the next few days, in a series of emails, you will learn the what, why and how of EMM Vs NM. If you don't want to wait then visit my website (you'll get your own...FOR FREE!) and you're welcome to browse. In fact, enroll IT'S ZERO TO JOIN! But, be careful, you just might find yourself experiencing the thrill of your life...WE ARE HOT, because WE MAKE SENSE! 

PLEASE VISIT:  http://luckyleo.freestoreclub.co
You certainly are also welcome to email me at my home anytime!


Leo Lemmon



Click on the link below to remove yourself

AOL Users
<a href="http://www.GrowWealth.net/cgi-bin/varpro/r.cgi?id=luckyleo5&a=www-annotation@w3.org"> Remove Me</a>

Received on Saturday, 13 December 2003 20:24:25 UTC