Re: [question] about annotea

At 04:04 PM 7/8/2003 +0900, =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?x9S/tbDm?= wrote:
>I want to know how I can modify or define ontology.

Our Annotea servers are generic RDF data stores.
They will accept any valid RDF that you send to them.
They do, however, have special handling for the property
and the property.

The simple "what annotations exist for this document?" query uses
the property.

The property
goes through special code to see if the server should "host"
the body by giving it a new URI.

Other than this, you are free to use whatever properties you
like in an ontology of your own.  No changes to our Annotea
server should be needed.

At the present time, our Amaya Annotea client does not have
general-purpose annotation display capabilities.  It is looking
for properties from the
namespace to display.  Any other properties it finds in the
annotation will be ignored.  Other clients may do a better job of
displaying additional properties.

So, to get Amaya to display, edit, and save new properties from
a different annotation ontology requires writing some C code.

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 08:05:50 UTC