Re: WCAG compliance question

Hi Ginger,

as I read WCAG 2.0 it allows conformance claims to rely on particular  
technology - See point 5 at

So you can say that the site is conformant, Relying Upon CSS.

Conformance is not the most important question, however, in my opinion.  
That question is "does the site have accessibility barriers"? Which comes  
down to a few questions:
- do users turn off CSS in ie 11 (e.g. to simplify the layout or colour  
scheme, or ensure that their own style sheet works?)
- what about other user agents?


On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 11:14:00 +0100, Ginger Claassen  
<> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I have a WCAG compliance question. I am checking a website for a  
> customer and if I am opening the site in internet explorer 11 with css  
> enabled I can use the site more or less. however, if I disable css  
> suddenly there are a lot of things I have not seen with jfw or nvda   
> before. Thus, is it wcag compliant to do this or has a site to be  
> accessibel even with css enabled?
> thanks in advance for your assistance!
> Solong
>      Ginger

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Friday, 26 February 2016 11:23:58 UTC