verifying accessibility

A client is hosting a Torch relay event here in Philadelphia and we want to 
put together a schedule of events with links to participants. My client, 
from a strictly layman's point of view, believes that this site is not 
accessible and is hesitant to include it as a link as a resource for people 
with disabilities.

As I review the page, my first thought is I can't read the links on the 
left hand side because they are too small. I do not have a disability, but 
I am myopic. When I run my mouse over the link hoping that the alt tag text 
will pop up and help me, nothing happens, which leads me to believe there 
is no alt text. But when I view the code, I can see access key information 
and titles and some heavy coding to make the site accessible. Now I am 

I ran it through Bobby and it passed. Then I viewed it using Lynx and I can 
see the read the left hand links just fine.

This is beyond me. What do you all think. Would you consider this site 

thanks for your help,

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2000 13:43:48 UTC