RE: verifying accessibility

>Unless there are already plenty of visual cues to indicate hypertext
>links -- and if the current crop of web users changes enough that
>people _aren't_ trained to read underlines as links.

Kynn -- Are you suggesting that there be no standard for indicating links?
(Not that everyone follows standards anyway!) As a person with low vision,
I find it helpful to know what standard is being used on any one site to
indicate links -- the confusion arises when a designer sometimes uses
underscores, sometimes uses specific colors, or fonts, or graphics. Maybe
that's just a matter of poor design, making it difficult for any user to
navigate, not a disability-related issue.


Janice Hecht
Coordinator, Adaptive Technology Services
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent Street, EN5
New Haven, CT 06515
Phone: 203-392-5797
Fax: 203-392-5796

Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2000 13:53:38 UTC