Re: AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 18 October 2004

I may not be able to attend the call today, due to a previously-scheduled 
family commitment.  I do plan to attend both days of the f2f by phone.   I 
will be sending my new item of the updated Workplan titled "Guidelines" to 
the list by this Friday..  I just sent an item re: AUWG test plan 
simplication to the list.

Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST

PS - I presume call-in info will be available shortly..Thanks!

   At 04:52 PM 10/15/2004 -0400, you wrote:

>Just a reminder of the teleconference on Monday (18 October 2004)
>at 4:00 pm ET:
>Call: (617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#
>1. A group of UI researchers will be observing the call for a research 
>project. Confidentiality is assured. If anyone objects please let Jutta or 
>Jan know right away:
>2. MM's proposal to re-integrate "multi-plexor" document
>JR's draft wording for doing this:
>3. JR's Shareability proposal:
>4. Technique workplan progress check (items should be completed before the 
>F2F - on Oct 25-26):
>5. Tim's updated ATAG20 test suite:
>6. ISO reference (message by Roberto):
>7. F2F planning and agenda setting. The venue is set for October 25-26 in 
>San Francisco.
>- We are hoping to take ATAG2.0 to last call after this meeting, so the 
>guidelines themselves are likely to be the primary focus.
>Please send regrets or additional agenda items to the list.
>Jan Richards, M.Sc.
>User Interface Design Specialist
>Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto
>   Email:
>   Web:
>   Phone: 416-946-7060
>   Fax:   416-971-2896

Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 14:24:59 UTC