draft test suite approach with templates - my AUWG action item

As promised in the Sept 27 AUWG telecon,  I am going to be sending six files
representing a start on an AUWG test suite structure with templates (my "old
action item" from July 2004 AUWG f2f meeting).   This is related to
the "test plan" discussed at the Sept 27 AUWG telecon, but I still thought 
I'd send this
out to complete my action items from the f2f meeting. However, it should be
considered in light of the discussion on Sept 27..

In performing this exercise, I consulted: the draft WCAG Conformance Test
Suite formats of Chris Ridpath and related resources, the UAAG Test Suite 
my earlier proposal to AUWG on test suite and test case requirements, the 
QA Test
Specification Guidelines, Jan's earlier work on ATAG conformance, the draft
ATAG2.0 test plan, and of course the ATAG2.0 Guidelines and Techniques. I
attempted to make this approach consistent with all of those references.
There are a number of embedded questions contained which the group should 

The files (sent in the order indicated) will have the following names: 
(the main ATAG2.0 test suite page, which references the following files in 
the order mentioned:), atagtestreport.htm (the place where the ATAG2.0 test 
reports are collected), atag-developer-form11-1.htm (the developer template 
for ATAG2.0 Success Criterion 1.1), atag-tester-form11-1.htm (the tester 
template for ATAG2.0 Success Criterion 1.1),  atag-developer-form12-1.htm (the
developer template for ATAG2.0 Success Criterion 1.2 - not finished yet),
and atag-tester-form12-1.htm (the tester template for ATAG2.0 Success
Criterion 1.2 - not finished yet). Currently these templates are static 
files, but are
ultimately designed to be interactive forms.

I hope the preceding is at least somewhat clear and understandable. If there
are any questions, please contact me. This is a draft approach, and is open
to comment, obsoleting and revision at any time. The purpose of this exercise
for me is to stimulate discussion with the AUWG.

I can proceed to work on this exercise as the group directs. Actually,
preliminarily, I have continued to work on additional templates to those 
included here, as
well as tried filling out a form using a "sample authoring tool".

Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST 

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2004 15:35:50 UTC