Re: Request for translations for CSS validator's documentation

Dear Xu Ting,

Many thanks for your contribution!

On Aug 11, 2006, at 11:29 , Xu Ting wrote:
> One more thing, because I directly saved your english version page  
> to my local file, so you might need some more work to make it  
> available online.

Indeed, in saving the pages, the browser also transformed all  
relative links to absolute... Nothing I can't fix, but perhaps next  
time I should send you the files directly, to avoid such a problem.

> the pictures inside the user manual are still English version, I  
> think it will be better if you turn it into Simplified Chinese  
> version.

Yes, that's the plan :)

I have an additional request, if you don't mind. I am attaching in  
this mail a copy of the "new" home page for the CSS validation  
service, which also needs to be translated. Could you take care of  
it? At the same time, could you also translate the links in the  
bottom menu ( Home | About | Documentation | Download | Feedback |  
Credits) ?

Thank you!


Received on Friday, 11 August 2006 03:08:11 UTC