w3c-translators@w3.org from October to December 1998 by subject

(Dagny Fischer)[Fwd: Translation]

[Fwd: Contact me!]

[Fwd: Danish translation]

[Fwd: Join the volunteers]

[Fwd: joint volunteers ?]

[Fwd: question on how to be a w3c-translator?]

[Fwd: Translation to czech]

[Fwd: translation]

Chinese Version

FRENCH - traductions françaises d'HTML 4.0, XML et DOM

HTML4.0 in Spanish

HTML4.0 Romana


Polish translation?

question on how to be a w3c-translator?

Request to help Italian translation

Translation of "Namespaces in XML"

Translation of DOM Level 1 Specification

Translation of Ruby

Translation of VML (W3C Note)

Translation of XML-HTML

Translation of XPointer Specification

XML Translation in Italian

Last message date: Monday, 28 December 1998 09:55:01 UTC