details of rdf:datatype?

I'm puzzling thru the details of the [6Sep] decision.

It seems to specify that this holds:

	:jenny :age <...#integer>"10".
	:jenny :age <...#decimal>"10".

since those two literals denote the same value.

and this one holds:

	:jenny :age <...#decimal>"010".
	:jenny :age <...#decimal>"10".

If somebody would please confirm, I'd appreciate it.

But I don't see how this works for an open-ended set
of datatypes. Does this hold?

	:jenny :age <http://example/vocab#type1>"hello".
	:jenny :age <http://example/vocab#type2>"hello".

If type1 and type2 map hello to the same value, it does hold.

Likewise, if type1 maps hello1 and hello2 to the
same value, then the following holds:

	:jenny :age <http://example/vocab#type1>"hello1".
	:jenny :age <http://example/vocab#type1>"hello2".

It seems to me that a parser should raise an exception
if it sees rdf:datatype used with a value it doesn't
recognize. Recognizing datatypes is a parse-time thing;
you can't do lazy-evaluation of the type-uri/string-val

Is that the design folks have in mind?

[6Sep] Draft minutes: telecon 2002-09-06 Jan Grant (Fri, Sep 06 2002)



Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 14 October 2002 08:39:49 UTC