Re: Datatyping Summary

Sorry, what do you mean by "extended n-triples representation"?  Things 
are complicated enough trying to follow the various proposals and idioms 
thereof with a *fixed* definition of n-triples.  If we're going to allow 
extensions to n-triples, there are too many things allowed to vary, and 
too few things fixed.  Besides, if we weren't constrained by n-triples 
as they are now, there are all kinds of neat things we could do...  I 
want to see how things are going to actually be written in the notation 
we actually have.


Brian McBride wrote:

> Ok Jeremy,
> As I understand what you are suggesting here, is that under TDL, the 
> rule could be rewritten to get the desired effect, i.e. reflecting the 
> "literal is a pair" directly in an extended n-triples represention:
>   <mary> <haircolor> (_, "red") .
> and
>   ?x <haircolor> (_, "red") => ?x <rdf:type> <redhead> .
> one can conclude:
>   ?x <rdf:type> <redhead> .
> DanC - Do you buy this one.  Rewrite the rule and you get what you want.
> Brian

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 16:33:10 UTC