Fwd: TAG issues during technical plenary

I received the message below from a member of the new Technical 
Architecture Group.

I'm thinking of sending a response along the lines of:

I would like the TAG to define the foundations of the architecture of the 
web.  The concept of a resource is fundamental to web architecture, yet it 
is very hard to pin down exactly what it means and how it relates to the 
concepts of URI, URI reference and namespace.  I suggest the TAG publish a 
W3C recommendation containing a description and a formal model explaining:

   o what is a resource
   o How URI's relate to resources (e.g. can the same resource
     be named by more than one URI)
   o what is named by a URI reference and how does this relate to resources
   o what is a namespace and how do the names within it relate to URI's and URI
   o the operation of the http protocol within the context of this model.

I would welcome comments on the above and other suggestions in response to 
the TAG's request.  I can respond with either a suggestion from the WG as a 
whole, or with a collection of suggestions from individual members of the WG.


>Dear chairs,
>The TAG requests your assistance in two matters.  Firstly, the TAG solicits
>your input on topics that the TAG should address.  The TAG has the charter
>to publish recommendations on issues.  We believe in surveying a wide
>spectrum of parties for issues to address, and your help would be
>appreciated.  Secondly, some members of the TAG also believe that the TAG
>should provide artifacts/documents that provide context for Recommendations.
>One example of the context is an architecture document with various text and
>diagrams.  The TAG solicits your input on what forms of context would be
>useful to you.
>The technical plenary agenda [1] has a portion of time for the TAG.  We
>would like to present information on our documentation deliverables and
>issues list during the session, so your feedback sufficiently before then
>would be much appreciated.
>Dave Orchard
>[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/07/Plenary/Agenda.html

Received on Monday, 21 January 2002 14:48:55 UTC