Re: Datatyping desiderata, take 2

>At 03:18 PM 1/17/02 +0200, Patrick Stickler wrote:
>>  > that 4 follows from 3
>>I understand 4 to mean (and Graham, please correct me if I'm wrong)
>>that we wish to be able to describe the characteristics of lexical
>>datatypes in terms of RDF, such as relations between datatypes
>>and possibly the nature of their lexical and/or value spaces, rather
>>than leaving such issues completely implicit and up to each
>>application to provide native support for.
>Current text:
>4. Use of schema-defined datatypes
>   The datatyping proposal should not preclude using schema languages to define
>   data types, rather than relying on "built-in" predefined data types.
>   The proposal is not expected to give an account of any such schema language.
>The meaning that I was trying to capture was much broader than that:
>IF one has a schema language that can define datatypes
>AND one uses that language to define the characteristics of some datatype
>THEN the RDF datatyping scheme should not preclude the use of dada 
>types so defined.

Well, just so long as they are not actually surreal. I guess dada is 
OK, but I draw the line at melting watches.


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Received on Friday, 18 January 2002 11:50:20 UTC