On 2002-08-01 6:05 AM, "Dave Beckett" <> wrote:

> I propose that we do not change the name rdf:value and close this issue.
> 1. Insufficient reasons to make this change
> 2. Will causing an existing uses to be illegal - such as as
>    the examples in M&S.
> This proposal *does not* indicate how this name is *used*, merely
> that the name in the RDF Namespace, will remain "value".  I see this
> as tangental to resolution of datatyping issues.

Before we close this issue, I insist that we add a new issue to deal with
the semantics of rdf:value, which many implementers and users and been
confused about.  I will not vote to close this issue until a new issue is
added to the issues list. Here's a proposed piece of text for the issues

Issue rdf-semantics-of-value: Clarify the semantics of the rdf:value

raised Fri, 09 Jan 2002 by Aaron Swartz

Summary: The property rdf:value is used confusingly and inconsistently
throughout the M&S and is never defined. Some have suggested it is used for
multi-valued properties (some suggest currying is a better way to do this)
and others have claimed it is for defining the lexical representation of a
resource. It is requested that the Working Group clarify its meaning and

Currently: for discussion
[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2002 18:41:52 UTC