Re: weekly call for agenda items

I have another meeting scheduled for Friday... I hope I shall be available 
for the RDF teleconference, but in case I'm not please accept my apologies.


At 09:57 PM 1/9/02 +0000, Brian McBride wrote:
>Hi folks,
>A happy new year to all and welcome back.  I hope you are doing better at 
>swapping RDF context back in than I've been managing.
>This is the usual call for agenda items for this Friday's telecon.  Please 
>may I have suggestions by noon UK time, Thursday.
>I see we have some syntax issues to discuss.  Graham, as I recall raised a 
>question about the structure of the document set and there is still the 
>question of datatypes.

Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>
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Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2002 17:59:47 UTC