Re[2]: Omitting Location and Transforms from SignedInfo

Donald wrote:

>If more is needed, I'd prefer to see it be possible for Location and
>Transforms to appear optionally either inside or outside SignedInfo,
>with an ID/IDREF link when they are outside, than to see an "omit="
>attribute or the like.  Because I think it will be simpler than always
>having to use a custom canonicalization that is sensitive to this
>"omit='true'" attribute...

I agree this is better, and certainly better than running transforms on
SignedInfo.  Seems, based on the name of the tag, that everything in SignedInfo
should be signed, and nothing else.  Could we have the option of specifying the
final location (and perhaps the transforms) in <Object>?  


Received on Monday, 15 November 1999 15:52:32 UTC