RE: Minutes 99-October-28

RE: Minutes 99-October-28See the first public draft at

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
UWI.Com -- The Internet Forms Company

  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jim Schaad (Exchange)
  Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 1:39 PM
  To: 'Joseph M. Reagle Jr.'; IETF/W3C XML-DSig WG
  Subject: RE: Minutes 99-October-28

  >      * Location - < 10 minutes
  >        Leave an attribute but change name to HREF?
  >        Make an element with an HREF attribute?
  >        Make an element with URI content?
  >        Is it mandatory to support a non-null Location?
  >        List proposal to allow the location to exist outside of
  >        SignedInfo. Call wants to keep location in the
  > signature, it is a
  >        URI (not necessarily a URL) and the call prefers the
  > employment of
  >        redirection/indirection through URIs not this syntax.
  >        Leave <ObjectReference Location=""> as is.
  >        Define null-location as <ObjectReference Location="">
  > as referring
  >        to this document, must be supported. Do we extend it to mean
  >        "#ID". No: Location is URI (including null) or IDREF.
  >        (Can anyone remember the reason why we just don't use
  >        FragmentIDs?)

  I must have missed something someplace -- When did location become an
attribute rather than an element?  All of the documents that I have put it
as an attribute and a quick review of the mail still has it as an element.
When did it become an element?


Received on Thursday, 28 October 1999 16:54:35 UTC