Namespace, URIs, and other institutionalized names

I had a meeting with TimBL and others yesterday to get clarity on a couple
of W3C policies and requirements over specifications, one of which was
namespace policy. This tends to be a rather heated/religious issue, but at
least I have something that I and others reference -- or even take issue
with. <smile> You'll note one of the characteristics of this policy in the
W3C context is the W3C's commitment to maintaining our URIs, which I think
is a good thing.

Regardless, the namespace policy requires
"$something" and I expect I can get approval for a
namespace shorter than the one I originally proposed along the lines of 

or even

if we don't expect to issue different versions that need to co-exist and
have normative changes in their meaning within the space of a year. One
could even mix a version number in there, but I'm hesitant to propose that.

This discussion also has some ramifications on the URNs that we are
presently using, which I will address in the next message. 

Forwarded Text ----
 Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:43:13 -0500
 From: Dan Connolly <>
 Subject: Re: Namespace URIs and other institutionalized names
 Dan Connolly wrote:
 > It might be nice if we had a policy/mechanism that allowed us
 > to delegate this decision, or a policy/mechanism that
 > allowed all namespace identifiers to be chosen in a similar
 > fashion, but we (currently) don't.
 As a result of some internal discussions, TimBL has written down
 some of the policy that has been emerging in his mind. You are
 hereby notified of the policy in:
 	URIs for W3C namespaces
 	Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director
 	$Id: nsuri.html,v 1.10 1999/10/26 20:10:04 timbl Exp $
 Feel free to cite it in public forums, and feel free to discuss,
 e.g. the philosophical aspects of URIs and persistence in the forum, which is archived at:
 (hmm... the RDF IG is possibly another relevant forum, due
 to the digital library and other metadata issues.)
 Dan Connolly, W3C
 tel:+1-512-310-2971 (office, mobile) (put your tel# in the Subject:)
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Joseph Reagle Jr.   
Policy Analyst 
XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 17:37:33 UTC