Re: Null Canonicalization Algorithm

Sure sounds reasonable to me.

From:  "Jim Schaad (Exchange)" <>
Resent-Date:  Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:22:52 -0400 (EDT)
Resent-Message-Id:  <>
Message-ID:  <EAB5B8B61A04684198FF1D0C1B3ACD194A709F@DINO>
To:  "W3c-Ietf-Xmldsig (E-mail)" <>
Date:  Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:22:12 -0700

>Given the text in section 4.3.3 about transformations only be applied if
>they are listed, and the text in section 1.3.3 "If no Transformations
>element is present, the data pointed at by Location is digested directly".
>I believe that we can remove the NULL canonicalization algorithm from the
>document.  The algorithm basically states that you do no changes on the
>input before hashing it.  This is the same thing as the text in section
>1.3.3 says.
>Note:  It might be wise to copy this comment to section 4.3.3 as well for
>people to easily see it during implemenation.
>Recommend:  Remove NULL Canonicalization algorithm from the document in all
>jim schaad

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 1999 22:51:45 UTC