Null Canonicalization Algorithm

Given the text in section 4.3.3 about transformations only be applied if
they are listed, and the text in section 1.3.3 "If no Transformations
element is present, the data pointed at by Location is digested directly".
I believe that we can remove the NULL canonicalization algorithm from the
document.  The algorithm basically states that you do no changes on the
input before hashing it.  This is the same thing as the text in section
1.3.3 says.
Note:  It might be wise to copy this comment to section 4.3.3 as well for
people to easily see it during implemenation.
Recommend:  Remove NULL Canonicalization algorithm from the document in all
jim schaad

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 1999 18:22:48 UTC