decoupling XSLT streaming recommendations from the main spec

Hi all,
   I've been thinking about this since, a long time, and now I'm quite
sure how I feel about this.

I think, the XSLT spec (taking ideas from XSLT 3.0) should remove
streaming/performance related recommendations from the main body of
the spec, and move that to a separate document (likely as a normative
annexure of the main XSLT spec, or as a normative WG note linked from
the main XSLT spec).

I feel that, having streaming/performance related recommendations
specified within the main body of XSLT spec, is a major impediment for
XSLT 3.0's adoption.

I feel that, this should be fixed as part of XSLT 4.0 efforts.

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2022 10:13:42 UTC