Re: decoupling XSLT streaming recommendations from the main spec

Am 9/21/2022 um 12:13 PM schrieb Mukul Gandhi:
>     I've been thinking about this since, a long time, and now I'm quite
> sure how I feel about this.
> I think, the XSLT spec (taking ideas from XSLT 3.0) should remove
> streaming/performance related recommendations from the main body of
> the spec, and move that to a separate document (likely as a normative
> annexure of the main XSLT spec, or as a normative WG note linked from
> the main XSLT spec).
> I feel that, having streaming/performance related recommendations
> specified within the main body of XSLT spec, is a major impediment for
> XSLT 3.0's adoption.
Adoption by whom? Implementors? Users?

Saxonica has implemented streaming, the main other vendor Altova has
decided not to implement it. Do you expect more XSLT 3 implementations
if the optional feature streaming is part of a separate document?

And users probably don't start by reading the spec, although it has
introductory sections on streaming as well.

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2022 10:41:17 UTC