from February 2006 by subject

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding F2F 27-28 February 2006

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 21 February 2006

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 7 February 2006

ISSUE-15: Null datatype pattern as used by ASN.1 and others

ISSUE-17: Advice for representing a duration

ISSUE-18: Schema Authoring Styles

ISSUE-19: Advice against using the \'all\' model group

ISSUE-20: Extension of collections

ISSUE-21: Inheritance of Collections

ISSUE-22: Bare Vectors

ISSUE-23: Use of Mixed Content datatype

ISSUE-24: Multi-dimensional Arrays

ISSUE-25: Map and Hash Patterns

ISSUE-5: Versioning of Enums

ISSUE-7 minOccurs=0 & xsi:nil

ISSUE-8: MUST allow pattern on all types

mapping of XML names into programming language

Minutes from XML Schema Patterns for Databinding call 21 February 2006

Minutes from XML Schema Patterns for Databinding call 7 February 2006

Revised Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding F2F 27-28 February 2006

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 February 2006 09:28:28 UTC