ISSUE-19: Advice against using the \'all\' model group

ISSUE-19: Advice against using the 'all' model group

Raised by: Paul Downey
On product: Basic

The input document advises for a collection: 

The all model group may appear attractive given programming language techniques 
such as introspection or reflection often return items in a random order. 
However, there are significant restrictions placed upon all types, not least an 
element cannot have a maxOccurs value greater than 1. 
The Unique Particle Attribution (UPA) constraint prevents a model group of all
 from being extended, either by containing an any element wildcard, being 
incorporated in a substitution group or derived using extension or restriction.

Should we carry this advice into our Basic Patterns?

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2006 14:00:50 UTC