[Bug 4057] elemZ006: referencing a namespace that has not been imported
[Bug 4057] elemZ006: referencing a namespace that has not been imported
[Bug 6247] New: addB194 contains invalid URI
[Bug 4064] stZ041 - simpleType with final=extension
[Bug 4049] DataTypes tests: QNames and length facets
[Bug 4049] DataTypes tests: QNames and length facets
[Bug 4122] Microsoft additional test addB068
question about substitutionGroup tests
question about disallowedSubst test cases
[Bug 4056] elemT026 - illegal xsi:type
[Bug 4056] elemT026 - illegal xsi:type
[Bug 4062] IdentityConstraint test idZ011: ID with fixed value
[Bug 4063] IdentityConstraint test idZ015: anySimpleType
attributes derived from xs:ID with value constraints?
- RE: attributes derived from xs:ID with value constraints?
- FW: attributes derived from xs:ID with value constraints?